The End of Summer Just Means Great Snorkel Gear Deals on Amazon!


Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Snorkel Ken

It’s always a bummer when the summer season ends.  The end of this particular summer is even more meaningful for me and Lizzy.  If you read our last post, an update post really, then you probably know that we’ll be leaving Oahu for the time being and will be residing in Augusta, Georgia as Lizzy starts her career as an Army officer.

So, this is actually the end of the LONG summer we’ve been enjoying in Hawaii for so many years.  However, with all endings come great opportunities and that’s what we’re really here to talk about today.

Every year, as summer draws to an end, snorkeling and beach days obviously start to get rarer and rarer…and all the way to non-existent in many areas of the country and the world.  In fact, with the market analysis that we’ve done here at the Snorkel Store, we’ve found that about 85% of the referrals that we make to Amazon and the traffic that hits the site is from those who are going on vacation between Thanksgiving and the end of April.

It’s a bummer that not everyone can go to the beach and snorkel year-round. The vendors who sell snorkel gear and accessories know this.  What does this mean for you?  It MEANS GREAT DEALS ON AN ASSORTMENT OF GEAR!

Snorkel Deals During the Off-Season

These deals aren’t locked in for an entire season.  As the gear sells, as inventory dwindles, and as sellers reach target revenue, the deals go away.  SO ACT FAST!

We dug the following information out for your convenience.  It includes links to Amazon pages with snorkel gear that offers 25%, 50%, 75% and more savings! Check them out below.

Links to great Snorkel Gear Deals

10% Savings on Amazon

25% Savings on Amazon

50% Savings on Amazon

70% Savings on Amazon


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