Tag: seavenger
August Snorkel Set of the Month: Seavenger Trek Set (Win it Free!)
In standing tradition-(once in a row)... ;) , here is our Snorkel Store Set of the Month for August. Please remember that you have the chance to win this snorkel set free as per...
6 Best Snorkel Gear Brands in 2024: A Complete Snorkel Gear Guide
You want the best snorkel gear you can get for a reasonable price. Something that's going to last long and is safe for you and the kids while being efficient but not putting a...
Seavenger Snorkel Set Review with Dry Top Snorkel and Gear Bag (Various Colors)
Snorkeling season has a new friend! Seavenger does a great job with their exclusive, complete, color-coordinated, premium snorkeling set. And that price is lower than you would expect for the quality. Check out the...
Seavenger Snorkeling Set Review with Dual Lenses, Dry Snorkel and Carry Bag (Various Colors)
This is a snorkeling set from Seavenger that is, in our opinion, a step above the last Seavenger snorkel set we reviewed. We prefer the dual-lens masks here at the SnorkelStore.com. You will find...