6 Reasons to Use an Underwater Scooter


Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Snorkel Ken

sea-scooter-snorkelingWe thought long and hard before we started to review and recommend underwater scooters here on The Snorkel Store.  At first, we saw snorkel scooters as a luxury item and, to be completely honest, one that wasn’t really needed.  The way we figured, you either got out there and snorkeled like the rest of us or you didn’t.  We have since reconsidered.

About 3 weeks ago we came across an older couple at Makaha Beach Park that was using a SeaDoo underwater scooter.  We snorkeled around with them for a while, but not really interacting (they were just in the same area), and then we started to talk.

They explained that the snorkel scooter was especially good for their needs as they couldn’t spend an hour or more in the water without them like us “young kids” (referring to Lizzy and I.  I’m 40…).  Their older bodies tired out faster these days but they had been snorkeling together since the mid 1970s in Hawaii, the Bahamas, and lots of other places.  They actually had some really cool stories.  They couldn’t bear to let the memories go and stop doing together what they had always loved to do.

I realized then what I had been missing about underwater scooters the whole time.  It isn’t about luxury (though, it is for some and that’s okay)…it’s about making the awesome activity that is snorkeling accessible to ANYONE who wants to try it.

Safety Note and Disclaimer:  Know your snorkel scooter.  Safety is always number one here.  Get to know how long your battery lasts and the other limitations of your snorkel scooter.  Using a scooter to get you to a location only to have the battery die while there means you could have to swim all the way back and put yourself and those you’re with in a precarious situation.

6 Reasons Why You May Want to Use an Underwater Scooter:

Older People

Just like the couple that we met, a snorkel scooter saves energy and gets you to places that you may not be able to get to on your own.  I hope I can snorkel for as long as that couple did and, if needed, I’ll definitely use a scooter at the time just so I don’t have to give the hobby up.

Snorkeling and “Watching” Younger Ones in Deeper Water

It’s not really a worry to snorkel with young ones or people who are uncomfortable in the water when you’re in 4 feet of ocean.  However, when you’re in deeper water then you could run into trouble if someone starts to panic, gets a cramp, or is unable to go on their own. A SeaDoo can get you all to safety by pulling yourself and a panicking child to a better location or to shore.  Kids can actually do well on a SeaDoo Aqua Ranger.

Unable to Snorkel

We stand by our belief that everyone should be able to snorkel.  That goes for those that are unable to swim due to disabilities or physical limitations.  Of course, these people should always be closely monitored, but with some decent snorkel gear,a snorkel vest (or life-preserving flotation), and scooter then some people who may have thought snorkeling impossible will be able to glide through the water with their face down and see some awesome snorkeling stuff.  I thought this article was a pretty interesting read.

Long Distance Shore or Boat Snorkeling

As we’ve said in some of our reviews on snorkel scooters, they are ideal for long swims such as launching from shore to where a prime snorkel spot is or off of a boat where you can use it to get to shore and laze on a beach or get to spots away from the boat with ease.


Yes, it’s true.  And it’s okay.  Having a snorkel scooter saves energy and you can look really cool gliding by people on a SeaDoo  Explorer X scooter.  You may not always need it but it’s awesome to be the one with it.


Finally, when I snorkel I sometimes want to dive down and check something out for a bit…as long as holding my breath allows.  But, unless there’s a rock to hold on to that will keep me anchored it’s difficult as I tend to float back up even though I let the air out of my lungs for less buoyancy.  You can watch me try to video this snowflake moray eel in this video.  It was a struggle to steady myself and stay submerged)  An underwater scooter can be used to motor down and then the motor can be used in a “bump” (short bursts of the motor sort of like balancing the clutch and the gas pedal on a hill when driving a manual transmission car) method to keep you down in the general area you want to stay in.

Those are the main reasons that we can think of where you may want or need to use a snorkel scooter.  We understand that not everyone will need, want, or be able to afford one.  However, in the cases where it pertains to need and ability to own, then you can’t go wrong and they can make dreams come true for those that would never have been able to snorkel for the first time or ever again.



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