Only a Few More Days to Buy Dad’s Snorkel Gear for Father’s Day!


Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Snorkel Ken

dad-snorkel-gear-fathers-dayAs we let you know recently, you can great deals on select US Divers snorkel gear from now until June 22nd. So this is the perfect time to get dad that sweet snorkel gear he has always wanted.  Take it from a dad talking here, if my kids bought me some new and improved snorkel gear for Father’s Day then I would write them right back into the will!  Of  course, they’re kind of scared to do so because they know that I review snorkel gear and that, as appreciative as I would be, I’m also liable to rate the gear right on the spot.

5 Reasons to Get Dad Snorkel Gear on Father’s Day

  1. Dads like to do cool things and tell (brag) to their friends about it.

Dads will take pictures and videos of themselves and their family with all sorts of cool stuff (turtles, seals, manta rays, fish) and then show it to their friends.  Heck, dad may even get interested in spear fishing and SCUBA.

  1. Dads love hobbies and snorkeling is an awesome one!

This goes back to the spear fishing and SCUBA conversation.  Sometimes dads feel a little bit left out of the home life.  If something doesn’t need to be fixed or lifted then dads tend to be ignored or treated like we’re just in the way.  That’s why dads love hobbies.  Get him into something positive like snorkeling.

  1. Snorkeling is a Healthy Hobby and Gets/Keeps Dad in Shape

Snorkeling increases muscles mass and endurance.  It improves cardiovascular conditioning and strengthens the heart.  You love dad and he may not be the most active guy in the world so give him a reason to do something that he’ll really enjoy doing and getting in better shape at the same time.

  1. Snorkeling is a Family Affair

If dad loves doing something with the family (you should never snorkel alone) then you can bet that it will make a more enjoyable experience for everyone.  Ever take dad shopping?  He hates it, right?  And that makes it really lousy for everyone.  Get him to the beach with some snorkel gear and an underwater camera and everyone will have a great time.

  1. Snorkel Gear is relatively Cheap

Compared to some of the more expensive “dad hobbies” like vintage cars, boating, and motorcycle it really is a value hobby.   A good snorkel gear set will last a long time and will be the brunt of the cost of this particular hobby.  He’ll love it and he won’t have to spend lots of money to keep doing it!

Remember, Father’s Day is Sunday, June 21st.  Just in time to take advantage of the US Diver’s 40% off select snorkel equipment.  If you don’t like what US Divers is offering then we’ve placed links to the best selling snorkel gear on Amazon right below this!

[easyazon_bestseller items=”5″ locale=”US” node=”3406881″ tag=”snorkelstore03-20″]

Photo Attribution:  By Asep.saefulloh (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


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